Pulmonary function tests For Sale

Whole systems intended to measure the pulmonary (and sometimes the associated cardiac) functions under stress conditions

Stress testing monitoring systems for evaluation of cardiac and/or pulmonary function. These systems can help determine various functional capacities of the individual being tested. They are also used in diagnosis of cardiac and/or pulmonary disease, by evaluating physiological response to physical stress ( use of treadmills and bicycle ergometers).

Tips for Buying a Pulmonary Stress Test

1. Pulmonary stress testing systems should perform, besides the required O2 and CO2 analysis, other procedures, such as: cardiac output evaluation, bronchial provocation, nutrition analysis, spirometry, plethysmography and metabolic equivalents.

2. Manufacturers of cardiopulmonary stress test units should specify whether a mask or mouthpiece is used to collect gases for analysis, as well as a list of all of the parameters analyzed by the pulmonary stress test system.

3. Facilities should carefully examine the present setting and future requirements regarding the projected volume of stress testing, patient diagnoses, and method of record keeping.

4. Many features are offered with these cardiopulmonary stress test units. Therefore, buyers should carefully evaluate each model to make sure all of the costs are identified before the actual purchase.

5. To ensure stability, the width of the base of the ergometer bicycle must be equal to 1/3 of the height; the feet should be adjustable in order to level the ergometer. It should mechanically or electrically brake, and its front wheel should be solid for safety reasons. The handlebars, seat, and pedals should be adjustable.

6. The treadmill for most cardiovascular stress testing should operate at 0-7 miles per hour, and elevate to grades from 0% to 20%.

7. The following are important factors when selecting a pulmonary stress test treadmill: durability, evenness of treads motion, physical design of the handrails, and type of displays available. Also the treadmill must include an emergency stop to stop the treadmill within 5 seconds, and the walking platform should be no less than 16 inches in width and 50 inches in length.