Laparoscopes For Sale


Laparoscopy is a modern method of diagnosis and treatment. To carry out the procedure, a laparoscope is used. With the help of the instrument, the doctor detects diseases of the abdominal cavity and performs surgical interventions. The device is introduced through small punctures, which minimizes pain and prevents the appearance of complications. 

Laparoscope: structure

Laparoscope is a metal tube with a diameter of 5 to 10 mm. Inside there is a complex system of lenses and optical fibers for light transmission. Advanced models of equipment based on Hopkins optics are used in surgery. The image is transmitted to a video recorder.     

Demanded types of laparoscopes have lenses that provide a viewing angle of 0, 30, 45 degrees. They are convenient even in complex operations, as they allow you to get an expanded area of visualization. 

Advantages of laparoscopy

Laparoscopy is performed under the control of a miniature camera.  Gas is used to create a favorable operating environment, it is passed through a special needle into the abdominal cavity. The doctor introduces thin instruments into the body and performs various manipulations. With the help of a laparoscope, the specialist removes the gallbladder, cysts, uterine myomas, hernias. Painful organs are extracted from the abdominal cavity through a small cosmetic incision in the area of the navel. Laparoscopy has many advantages:

  • absence of a large incision;

  • a pronounced cosmetic effect;

  • minimal postoperative pain;

  • reduced stay in the postoperative ward and hospital;

  • rapid recovery of normal labor activity;

  • good health.

After laparoscopy, the doctor applies single stitches. This is the end of the operation. Laparoscope is used in a complex with instruments: trocars, forceps, clamps, electrocoagulators, grippers, scissors. For successful surgery, the equipment must be equipped with endoscopic equipment: endovideosystem, illuminator, monitor, insufflator, aspirator-irrigator, electrosurgical device. 

Buy a quality laparoscope 

To choose reliable medical equipment, it is important to analyze the areas of application, technical features, and brand of the device. It is easy to pick and purchase a laparoscope at a reasonable price on Bimedis website. The service offers to buy, sell, and exchange goods from leading manufacturers from different parts of the world. Thanks to a convenient catalog and the use of a filter, it is easy to order the optimal model of the device. The site offers a wide range of endoscopic devices: gastroscope, hysteroscope, bronchoscope, arthroscope, laryngoscope, which are easy to buy in a few clicks.



What is a laparoscope and what is it used for?

Laparoscope is a medical endoscopic instrument used for diagnostics, surgery of abdominal organs. Thanks to modern laparoscopy, there is no need for a layer-by-layer incision. 

How does laparoscopy work?

Before laparoscopy, the patient is put into general anesthesia. The doctor makes a small incision, into which the laparoscope is inserted. The device is equipped with a video camera, which displays the image on the monitor. Under visual control, the surgeon performs surgical manipulations. Through a small incision in the area of the belly button, the doctor takes out the removed organ. After that, a cosmetic suture is applied.

What procedures can be performed with the help of laparoscopes?

Laparoscopes are used to perform all traditional abdominal surgeries. The laparoscopic method is used to remove:

  • gallbladder;

  • ovarian cysts;

  • appendicitis;

  • inguinal and umbilical hernias;

  • uterine myoma;

  • liver cysts;

  • esophageal hernia;

  • adrenal tumors;

  • varicocele.

The surgery helps to remove fallopian tube obstruction, suturing and bandaging of the stomach. Laparoscopy is also performed for diagnostic purposes to visualize the abdominal organs and detect pathologies. Thanks to the equipment, doctors detect tumor foci in early stages, polyps, ectopic pregnancy and other diseases. 

What are the advantages of laparoscopy?

Carrying out operations using laparoscopy has a lot of advantages:

  • three to five small incisions of 0.5-1 cm instead of one large one;

  • absence of pain after surgery;

  • reduced dosage of anesthetic drugs;

  • inconspicuous postoperative scars;

  • shorter ICU stay;

  • shorter hospitalization;

  • minimal blood loss;

  • performing surgery on multiple organs at the same time; 

  • rapid recovery and return to a normal lifestyle.

Thanks to diagnostic laparoscopy, the doctor accurately determines the stage of the disease and establishes the correct diagnosis. 

What are the main components of the laparoscopic system?

The laparoscopic system consists of the components:

  • a laparoscope with lens or video optics;

  • an endoscopic camera;

  • illuminator;

  • an electrosurgical high-frequency unit with a set of bipolar or monopolar attachments;

  • light conduction cable;

  • video monitor;

  • insufflator — system for supplying carbon dioxide;

  • aspirator-irrigator;

  • electrosurgical generator.

Most medical facilities utilize a laparoscopic stand that integrates devices and instruments for abdominal surgery.