Premium Sterlink Mini Plasma Sterilizer

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Product Details

Sterlink Mini Plasma

Product Description

The Premium Sterlink Mini is an FDA approved low temperature plasma sterilizer for a wide range of medical devices. It has the quickest sterilization time of just 7 minutes.

The world’s first direct injection pouch-type patented sterilization technology has been applied.
SAL of 10-6 is validated to ensure sterilization stability of medical devices.
(SAL: Sterility Assurance Level, 99.9999%)

STERLINK™ verifies sterilization performance through the following lumen tests:
Single-channel lumen claims for STERLINK™
Ø0.7 x 500mm Stainless steel
Ø2.0 x 1,500mm Stainless steel
Ø1.0 x 2,000mm PTFE

Features & Benefits:
Direct sterilant injection enhances sterilization efficiency.
Direct vacuum pumping shortens purification process time. ˙
Independent pressure control allows unique sterilization cycle including compression process. ˙ Compression maximizes sterilization efficiency to obtain 7 minutes cycle.
Impermeable pouch allows direct sterilization with compression process and vacuum sealing after the cycle. ˙
Vacuum sealing visualizes sterile condition which extends shelf life of sterilized devices and provides advanced infection control solution