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Product Details

Lab Imaging Systems

Product Description

Azure Biosystems Model C200 Bioanalytical Imaging System Gel Imaging Workstation
***This instrument has been tested to meet specifications. Buyer can expect a working machine and 30-day warranty. Unit has a small scratch on top right of machine. See photos for details.

Revolutionizing the way, your Western blot! Azure Imagers are high performance Western blot imaging systems capable of NIR fluorescence, visible fluorescence, and chemiluminescence.

Imaging with infrared dyes offers signal stability and low background fluorescence. Additionally, imaging with NIR dyes allows you to study multiple proteins in a blot, even if those proteins overlap in molecular weight. Azure Biosystem’s c Series laser technology offers two IR detection channels enabling a user to image more than one protein in an assay.

Simple Imaging Workflow
1. Select Light Source
2. Set Exposure Time or Auto Expose
3. Capture


Wide Range of Applications – with multiple light sources and filters, the c200 can image multiple types of gels and blots.
Compact Design – 38cm W X 55cm H X 36cm D, giving you more space for your experiments.
Upgrade to a Quantitative Western System – the Azure c200 can be upgraded to the c300, c400, c500, or c600 with a simple field upgrade.
No Focusing

Regardless of the size of your gel, all images are in focus without adjusting the focus.
No Positioning

Perfect images no matter where you place the sample in the imager.
Automatic Imaging

Select the application, and the instrument will choose the light sources and filters for you.
Fully Upgradeable

The c200 can be easily upgraded at a later time to accommodate additional applications,
including chemiluminescence.
With the c200, Azure Spot software (available from the manufacturer) provides tools for the analysis of gels and blots, Azure Spot makes complex analysis a simple process. Designed to be either fully automated or manually configured, Azure Spot provides flexibility and accuracy for your data analysis.

Tools for…
Automatic Lane and Band Detection
Molecular Weight Analysis
Quantity Calibration
2D Densitometry
Multiplex Analysis