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Product Details

IPL Machines

Product Description

SHR stands for Super Hair Removal, a technology of permanent hair removal which is having a sweeping success. The system combines laser technology and the benefits of the pulsating light method achieving practically painless results. Even hairs which until now have been difficult or even impossible to be removed can now be treated. The treatment is more pleasant than with the conventional systems and your skin is better protected.

SHR stands for Super Hair Removal, a technology of permanent hair removal which is having a sweeping success. The system combines laser technology and the benefits of the pulsating light method achieving practically painless results. Even hairs which until now have been difficult or even impossible to be removed can now be treated. The treatment is more pleasant than with the conventional systems and your skin is better protected.

Intense Pulsed Light with SHR technology is a treatment breakthrough that can correct a variety of benign skin conditions such as facial skin imperfections, the signs of aging, birthmarks, unwanted hair, unsightly small veins and other blemishes. It offers a safe, non-invasive solution that can be tailored to your individual condition and skin type, providing superior cosmetic results and outstanding satisfaction.