Used Very Good CONMED Aspen Excalibur Plus PC

Used Very Good
In stock


Product Details

Aspen Excalibur Plus PC
Electrosurgical Unit

Product Description

ASPEN LABS Electrosurgical in perfect condition.
Several units in stock.
Model 2400 is ready to ship worldwide
Merchandise as is working and also upon request, we can refurbish

It's ready to ship to nations, and we have more units in stock worldwide.

ATTENTION: Shipping costs only for Packing & Local Move in Miami to the shipping company. Not including any transportation. Please contact us if you need to know the shipping price. We will be glad to provide you with the best service.

Can Pick UP our equipment from our warehouse.

Units must be certified before use.

Good cosmetic condition; no signs of damage or abuse.

For FDA regulations, please, don´t hesitate to contact us.