EEG systems For Sale - Page 5

How Much Does EEG system Cost?
The Current Price Range Based on 10 Vendors on Bimedis. It’s Costs Starts Approximately at 140 and ends at the Highest Price 12000. The Average Price for EEG system - 2234 based on 25 product listings in this category.

Tips and Guidelines for Buying an EEG Unit

A device which transmits electric signals from brain onto a recorder which reproduces their characteristics on an electroencephalogram. Can be used for localizing tumors or lesions on or near brain surface, also for studying various neurological conditions, and to assist in evaluating psychiatric disorders.

Tips for Buying an EEG Unit

1. These units are offered with a wide range of analytical software programs. Users may upgrade in many cases to answer a specific user's needs.

2. The available features include brain mapping and sleep studies, video EEG capabilities, and optical disk storage.

3. Results should be printed with the following data: the montage, filter and gain settings, horizontal and vertical scale, events, date, time, and patient identification.

4. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to specify the following: the number of patient records that can be stored on either the local hard drive and on removable media; whether the device could compress data files; the battery type and maximum operation time; availability and pricing of any additional capabilities offered as options, such as: spike and seizure; detection algorithms; EP and electromyography; sleep diagnostics; digital video; photo-stimulation; other physiologic monitoring parameters.

5. A low-battery indicator should be available. For rechargeable batteries, after complete depletion it should take no more than 16 hours to reach full charge. 6. Units that are used for ambulatory recording should use removable data storage media.

Questions for the Seller

Before you purchase your EEG Unit, we recommend you ask the seller the following questions:


  • Does it include billing?

General Information

  • Hi-Frequency Filters, Hz: Does it have individual channel override?
  • Does it include all electrode cables?
  • General: What is the sampling rate?
  • General: Does it have integral diagnosis processor?
  • General: What is the number of channels?
  • General: Does it have input/output for auxilary device?

Sensitivity Control

  • Does it include a master switch?
  • Does it have individual channel override?

Master Notch Filter

  • Does it include a master notch filter?
  • Does it have individual channel override?